ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin – Issue 3 2023


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Pubblicazione disponibile nel Formato .Pdf. L’ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin include aggiornamenti su dottrina, decisioni dei casi (lodi arbitrali, ordinanze processuali), sviluppi a livello globale, attività di ICC, recensioni di libri, procedura e prassi dell’ICC Dispute Resolution Service. Il Comitato editoriale del Bulletin è composto da un gruppo di 20 esperti di arbitrato e risoluzione delle controversie provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il Bulletin viene pubblicato online ogni quadrimestre.

In questo numero:

Message from the President
Welcome from the Editors-in-Chief
In Memoriam William Laurence Craig (1933-2023)

ICC Court Centenary
History of Rule of Law and International Arbitration
Opening Address – Annual Conference on International Arbitration, ICC French National Committee
Keynote Address – Inaugural Session, 6th ICC India Arbitration Day
13th World Chambers Congress in the Centenary Year of the ICC Court – Achieving Peace and Prosperity through Multilateralism

Global Developments
United States: Coinbase, Inc. v. Bielski – A ‘Common-Sense’ Approach Enhancing the U.S. as a Leading Seat for International Arbitration
United States: Supreme Court Rules that Civil Racketeering Claim Is Available in Support of Enforcement of U.S. Judgment Based on a Foreign Arbitration Award
Venezuela-Colombia: A New BIT – Precedent or Anecdote?
India: Foreign Consortium Members Under the Arbitration Act: Always in it Together?
Pakistan: Courts’ Pro-Enforcement Stance Confirmed
Singapore: Balancing Open Justice and Confidentiality in Arbitration-related Court Proceedings
Albania: Reinstating the Law on Arbitration

ICC Practice & Procedure
Does Jura Novit Curia Apply in Arbitration?
Optional Provisions for the Terms of Reference and Procedural Order No. 1

Fine Tuning: Review of the Proposed Reforms to the English Arbitration Act 1996
Dissuasive and Abusive Arbitration Clauses on the Digital Consumer Market

ICC DRS Activities
The Suitability of Arbitration and ADR to Resolve Financial Disputes: Islamic Finance and the Emerging Disputes in the Digitalised Financial Sector
8th ICC Asia-Pacific Conference on International Arbitration: Rethinking Dispute Prevention and Resolution When the Dawn Returns