Tax Digest | Issue 2 June 2024


COD: Tax Digest ENG-2-2023-2-2-1 Categoria: Tag: , , ,

Pdf in lingua inglese.


Newsletter periodica sulle questioni fiscali internazionali, a cura della Commissione Taxation di ICC Italia.

Contributions by Members of the Commission:

Avv. Stefano Carmini (Carmini Avvocati Associati)
Avv. Paolo de’ Capitani di Vimercate (Studio Uckmar Associazione Professionale), Chair of the Commission

In this number:

  • Foreign pension fund and disapplication of the withholding tax
  • The abuse of rights and double taxation
  • Social security contributions in US and the taxable income in Italy
  • The refund of VAT credits and permanent establishment in Italy
Tax Digest

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