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L’ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin include aggiornamenti su dottrina, decisioni dei casi (lodi arbitrali, ordinanze processuali), sviluppi a livello globale, attività di ICC, recensioni di libri, procedura e prassi dell’ICC Dispute Resolution Service. Il Comitato editoriale del Bulletin è composto da un gruppo di 20 esperti di arbitrato e risoluzione delle controversie provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il Bulletin viene pubblicato online ogni quadrimestre.
In questo numero:
• Message from Claudia Salomon, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration
• In Memoriam John G. Ruggie, Professor Martin Hunter, Carl Salans, Evans Morani
• Global Developments: News from China, India, United Kingdom, Russia, and United Arab Emirates
• Commentary: PAW opening speech ‘Challenging the Premises of Diversity’ (Eduardo Silva Romero); ‘Achmea jacta est … The European Court of Justice Ends Energy Charter Treaty-based Arbitration Among EU Member States’ (Prof. Mathias Audit, Matthias Fekl, Gaspard Fiévet); ‘Dispute Resolution in the Commercial Space Age: Are All Space-Farers Adequately Catered For?’ (Rachael O’Grady)
• From the ICC Institute: First Meeting of the Australasian Chapter on ‘Due Process Paranoia’
• ICC Activities: Reporting on ICC SME LAB series, ICC regional conferences on international arbitration (MENA, Africa, Asia, Europe), ICC YAF event ‘(Im)possible Arbitrations?’, and a PAW event discussing expert evidence in international arbitration
• Book Reviews: ‘The Use of Commercial Arbitration Rules in Investment Treaty Disputes’ (review by Andrea Carlevaris); ‘Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes, 2nd Ed.’ (review by Dr. Thomas Legler); ‘Private International Law Online: Internet Regulation and Civil Liability in the EU’ (2019 ICC Institute Prize, review by Graham Smith), and ‘Arbitration in Egypt: A Practitioner’s Guide’ (review by Prof. Walid Ben Hamida).