ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin – Issue 2 2024


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Pubblicazione disponibile nel Formato .Pdf. L’ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin include aggiornamenti su dottrina, decisioni dei casi (lodi arbitrali, ordinanze processuali), sviluppi a livello globale, attività di ICC, recensioni di libri, procedura e prassi dell’ICC Dispute Resolution Service. Il Comitato editoriale del Bulletin è composto da un gruppo di 20 esperti di arbitrato e risoluzione delle controversie provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il Bulletin viene pubblicato online ogni quadrimestre.

In questo numero:

Claudia Salomon
Message from the President

Julien Fouret and Yasmine Lahlou
Welcome from the Editors-in-Chief


Dr. Ioana Knoll-Tudor
France India v. CC/Devas: Potential Pitfalls of the Assignment of Arbitral Awards

Anna Masser
Germany Two Signatures and a Remark that the Third ‘could not be obtained’ is Sufficient for a Decision to Qualify as an Award

Christoph Martin Radtke
Italy ICC Incoterms® Rules in Dispute Resolution

Rahul Donde and Surbhi Kuwelker
Switzerland Federal Tribunal Confirms Swiss-seated Arbitral Tribunal’s Jurisdiction over Intra-EU Investment Disputes

Manini Brar and Shania Elias
India Arbitral Tribunals Must Comply with the Express Statutory Requirement to Deliver the Arbitral Award to Each Party to the Arbitration Agreement, as Opposed to an Agent or Lawyer of such Party

Keita Kawamura, Chié Nakahara and Seri Takahashi
Japan Legal reform on International Dispute Resolution – Entry into force of the Amended Arbitration Act and Singapore Convention Implementation Act

Natalia Alenkina
Kyrgyzstan Court Seizes Aircraft in Support of International Arbitration


Red Flags or Other Indicators of Corruption in International Arbitration


Florencia Villaggi and Lucila Marchini
ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF)
Unravelling the Knot – Insolvency in the Realm of Arbitration

Albert Mukasa
8th ICC Africa Conference on International Arbitration –
Emerging Trends in ADR in Africa

12th ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration

John Lewis
12th ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration –
Beyond 100: Arbitration, ADR and the Middle East

Nicole Araygi
ICC Institute of World Business Law (‘ICC Institute’) Advanced Training on Documentary Evidence: Reassessing its role and value in international commercial arbitration – Focusing on critical key issues of M&A and construction disputes