Newsletter periodica sulle questioni fiscali internazionali, a cura della Commissione Taxation di ICC Italia.
Contributions by:
Avv. Stefano Carmini (Carmini Avvocati Associati)
Avv. Paolo de’ Capitani di Vimercate (Studio Uckmar Associazione Professionale), Chair of the Commission
Avv. Giuseppe Zorzi (Chiomenti)
In this number:
- The Italian Supreme Court outlined a three-step approach to verify whether a company meets the conditions to be regarded as the “beneficial owner” of a payment
- Credits’ write-off by shareholders does not constitute taxable income for the controlled company/debtor (Cass. civ., Sez. V, Sent., 12 giugno 2023, n. 16595)
- The Italian Supreme Court examined the case of a commissionaire agent qualified as a permanent establishment (Cass. civ., Sez. V, Sent., 19 gennaio 2023, n. 1648; Cass. civ., Sez. V, Sent., 27 gennaio 2023, n. 2597)
- The Italian Tax Agency offers guidance on the correct taxation of mandatorily-reversed fees
- Re-chargeable director fees paid to foreign parent company, tax regime and withholding tax
- Mandatory converting (or “convertendi”) investment agreements, tax treatment and holding period for participation exemption purposes
- Supreme court decisions on the 10% surcharge on the variable remuneration paid in the financial industry

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